The original BMW handguards on the GS series have decent coverage, but really don't do enough to keep your hands protected from the driving wind and rain you can encounter during a trip. These additional spoilers from Touratech are the perfect accessory for your GS and do a great job extending the weather coverage of your original handguards.
Made of high-strength black plastic, these spoilers are designed to match the original hand guards and look like factory equipment.
-Made of high strength, black plastic
-Spoilers mount to OEM BMW handguards
-Simple installation requires drilling two holes in stock handguards
-Fits R1250GS, R1200GS 2013-on, R1250GS ADV, R1200GS ADV 2014-on, F850GS, F750GS, F800GS ADV 2014-on
-Made in Germany by Touratech
Touratech R1250GS|R12GS WC|R1250GS ADV|ADV WC|F850GS|F750GS|F800GS ADV Handguard Spoiler Kit
Produced by Touratech of Germany