Seat high (standard on many machines), 2-tone:
-Colors black/sand for vehicle color Sandrover
-Colors black/red for vehicle color Racing red
-Wide and comfortably padded seat for rider and passenger, for long stretches on the motorcycle
-Height of seat 890 mm (35 in)
Seat, low, black only:
-Optional extra or accessory
-Easier for rider to put his/her feet on the ground, so motorcycle easier to balance when stopped
-Height of seat 860 mm (34 in)
Dimensional weight listed
BMW Motorcycles F800GS Adventure Custom Seat (Tall, Low)
BMW Original Parts
-Colors black/sand for vehicle color Sandrover
-Colors black/red for vehicle color Racing red
-Wide and comfortably padded seat for rider and passenger, for long stretches on the motorcycle
-Height of seat 890 mm (35 in)
Seat, low, black only:
-Optional extra or accessory
-Easier for rider to put his/her feet on the ground, so motorcycle easier to balance when stopped
-Height of seat 860 mm (34 in)
Dimensional weight listed
BMW Motorcycles F800GS Adventure Custom Seat (Tall, Low)
BMW Original Parts